UroDerm Medical
Chceme poskytovat nejkvalitnější služby v obou oborech na základě dlouhodobě získávaných znalostí na klinických pracovištích, kde jsme se opakovaně podíleli na klinicko-výzkumné činnosti. Naše ordinace jsou vybaveny nejmodernějšími přístroji. Současně je naší předností schopnost s klienty jednat srozumitelně a empaticky.
Naše úspěchy
1st place in the competition of the Czech Urological Society for the best scientific publication in 2013 published in the journal with the Impact Factor
3rd place for the best poster presentation on oncology within the Central European Meeting, which took place in 2017 in Pilsen. The poster was then actively presented the following year at the Congress of the European Association of Urology in Copenhagen.
2nd place - Czech-Slovak Dermatology Journal Award for the best publication in 2018
We work with the high-end Philips ultrasound device, urodynamic apparatus including uroflowmetry, and flexible cystoscope. We use the video dermatoscopy in the dermatology practice with the possibility of comparing the development of skin conditions over time. We also have a fully equipped operation room with the possibility of performing laser and smaller dermatosurgical, aesthetic and urological procedures.